No Trespassing Purple Stake Covers
Use Purple Stake-SAFE Covers to Keep Trespassers Out
To protect their property from trespassers, land owners often post No-Trespassing signs along the perimeter of their property. Many states have adopted a policy of using the color purple, to accentuate the No-Trespassing barrier. The StakeSAFE Purple Stake Cover serves this purpose well.
As an example the State of Texas enacted a law in 1997 that makes criminal trespassing, a “Class B” misdemeanor if the trespasser fails to observe posted notices. If the intruder is carrying a firearm they will be charged with a “Class A” misdemeanor. The law considers purple markings to be adequate notification of such a barrier.

According to the Texas Law, HB793, the purple markings must meet these criteria:
- Markings must be vertical
- Markings must be at least 8 inches long
- Markings must be at least 1 inch wide
- The bottom of the marking should be between 3 feet and 5 feet above the ground
- Markings can be no more than 100 feet apart in timberland
- Markings can be no more than 1000 feet apart on open land
- Markings must be in a place visible by those approaching the property
The entire Texas statue can be viewed here: Texas No Trespassing Statute
In the case of a heavily wooded area, it is relatively easy to apply paint to trees along the lot line to alert unwanted visitors. However; if your property is developed and you are installing a traditional fence with T-post construction, there is a better solution. The Stake-SAFE Purple Stake Cover is the answer. With its unique design, the StakeSAFE Purple Stake Cover not only properly marks your property to keep trespassers out; it also improves the safety of your fence installation to protect your pets and livestock.
Other states that have adopted the Texas Purple No-Trespassing barrier procedure include Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, North Carolina, and Florida. Many other states are expected to adopt the purple No-Trespassing policy in the future.
According to Missouri’s Law, any land owner can post property boundaries with purple markings. Like the Texas law, the markings must be between 3 feet and 5 feet from the ground. This is the ideal height for use of the StakeSAFE Purple Stake Covers. Missouri law also states that the purple marks cannot be more than 100 FT apart and must be readily visible to any person approaching the property. The Purple Stake-SAFE Cover is the perfect solution to cover your T-posts and provide a highly visible marking.
Buy it now!
Available online now at Home Depot and Amazon. You can also find it at your facvorite local hardware supply store including Hutchison Western, QC Supply, Tru-Test, Quad City Safety, Murdoch’s, Jax, BIG R, and more….
Stake Safety Info
Home, Garden, Tree, and Construction Safety are of the highest importance to us. We hope you enjoy our articles!
WelcomeJuly 20, 2013 - 3:52 am
Texas No Trespassing Law Requires Purple MarkingsNovember 9, 2013 - 10:35 pm
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Construction Safety
Stake Safe is the only T post and Rebar all in one safety cap available on the market. Our product is fully OSHA Construction Worksite Compliant.